Domain Name System (DNS) The Internet Protocol (IP) address of your website is like your phone number. DNS is like the phonebook. Domain Name System is a globally-distributed service that is foundational to the way people use the Internet. DNS uses a hierarchical name structure, and different levels in the hierarchy are each separated with […]
S3 Quiz Questions
Amazon S3 FAQs
Amazon S3 Exercises
How to create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Bucket How to Upload, Make Public, Rename, and Delete Objects in Your S3 Bucket How to host a static website in Amazon S3 How to enabled CORS in Amazon S3 How to enable Version Control in Your S3 Bucket How to enable Lifecycle Management
Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail
Amazon CloudWatch Amazon CloudWatch is a service that you can use to monitor your AWS resources and your applications in real time. With Amazon CloudWatch Metrics: Collect and track key metrics Logs: Collect, monitor, analyze and store log files Events: Send notifications when certain events happen in your AWS Alarms: React in real-time to metrics […]
What is Amazon VPC? The Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) is a custom-defined virtual network within the AWS Cloud. You can provision your own logically isolated section of AWS, similar to designing and implementing a separate independent network that would operate in an on-premises data center. It is the networking layer for Amazon Amazon […]
VPC Quiz Questions
What is the minimum size subnet that you can have in an Amazon VPC? A. /24 B. /26 C. /28 D. /30 What properties of an Amazon VPC must be specified at the time of creation? (Choose 2 answers) A. The CIDR block representing the IP address range B. One or more subnets for the […]
Amazon Virtual Public Cloud (VPC)
AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Is a virtual network or data center inside AWS for one client, or a department in an enterprise A VPC is a set of contained subnets with a common CIDR block (up to a /16 netmask) running in a single geographic area (Region) across multiple data centers (Availability Zones). The […]
AWS EBS Exercises
How can I attach a new EBS volume to a running Amazon EC2 Windows instance Login to AWS Console Create an Windows EC2 instance or you can use an existing EC2 instance. Go to left panel of the EC2 AWS Console and select the “Elastic Block Store-> Volumes” Option Create the volume and select the parameters […]
What is Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Service. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) is a block level storage volumes for EC2 instances. Its like a hard drive to the EC2 Instance. You can mount multiple EBS volumes to your instances. Why EBS is used. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) is used as a […]