pwd command:
Path of the current Working Directory
cd command:
Change Directory
cd .. (with two dots) to move one directory up
cd to go straight to the home folder
cd – (with a hyphen) to move to your previous directory
ls command:
List the content
ls -R will list all the files in the sub-directories as well
ls -a will show the hidden files
ls -al will list the files and directories with detailed information like the permissions, size, owner, etc
sudo command:
SuperUser Do (is used to access restricted files and operations)
sudo user
Working with files
cp command:
Copy a file
cp file1 file2
mv command:
Use mv to rename a file or to move the file to another directory
mv file1 file3
rm command:
Remove a directory and its files
rm -i file1
rm -rf test (the f means force and the r means recursive)
touch command:
Create a blank new file through the Linux
touch file42
cat command :
List the contents of a file
cat file1
head command:
View the first lines of any text file
head /etc/services
head -5 /etc/services (last five lines)
tail command:
Display the last ten lines of a text file
tail /etc/services
tail -5 /etc/services (last five lines)
diff command:
Difference between files
diff file1 file2
mkdir command:
Make a new directory
mkdir dir1
rmdir command:
Delete empty directories
rmdir dir1
chmod command:
To change the read, write, and execute permissions of files and directories
chmod 777 foldername
0 = No Permission
1 = Execute
2 = Write
4 = Read
0 = —
1 = –x
2 = -w-
3 = -wx
4 = r-
5 = r-x
6 = rw-
7 = rwx
chown command:
Change or transfer the ownership of a file to the specified username
chown name foldername
ping command:
Check your connectivity status to a server
ping localhost
ping ip-address
wget command:
Download files from the internet with the help of the wget command
history command
Is used to view the previously executed command
man command:
Display the user manual of any command
man ls
locate command:
Locate a file, just like the search command in Windows
find command:
Similar to the locate command, using find also searches for files and directories. The difference is, you use the find command to locate files within a given directory.
grep command:
Searching plain-text data sets for lines that match a regular expression
echo command
zip, unzip command:
zip filename.txt
hostname command:
hostname –l
uname command:
Prints the kernel name
df command:
To get a report on the system’s disk space usage
du command:
Disk Usage
top command:
List of running processes and how much CPU each process uses